Voice is acronym of “Voluntary Organization In Community Enterprose”, a trustworthy, credible, believable Non-Profit making, Non-Political and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded and come into existence to address poverty alleviation, to provide relief to the human beings, to work for environmental protection particularly in remote area’s inhabitants and poor people of the community.

Voice is registered on May 13, 2005 under the Registration No: DOSWWD&BM/RWP/05-061 under the “Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Registration Control Ordinance of 1961”.

Its mission is to create the strong, empowered network of the international & national NGO’s to address ignorance and poverty alleviation, mother and child care issues, human relief in all sectors, environmental protection and social development particularly in Pakistan’s poor remote and minority inhabit areas as well as abroad. Its most priority is to rebuild social and economic structure, strengthen civil society, built capacity of the most vulnerable and indigenous human being.