To create consciousness with respect to right and obligations among individuals.
To work for the ratification and implementation by Pakistan of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other related convents and protocol.
To co-operate with National and International Organizations groups and individuals engaged in promotion Human Rights at home and abroad.
To take necessary action in preventing Human Rights Violations and providing assistance including legal and to victims of Human Rights Violations and to individuals and Groups striving to protect Human Rights.
To tackle the root causes of the Mother and Child Care issues, poverty, Environmental protection at many levels such as Local, Regional, National and International
To help sick, needy and poor people.
Give educational guidance about future plans, especially for students both sex.
To provide scholarships for students to set up schools in BACK BLOCKS. Where literacy rate is low.
To set up free schools at evening time for those students who work in the morning time.
Make education system equal in all over the Pakistan.
Work against old traditions as “JARGA”, “KAROKARI” system.
To receive and to investigate reported and unreported cases and allegation of Human Rights Violation and recommend appropriate remedial action to concerned authorities
To make efforts to provide basic necessities of life such as Drinking water, Medical relief, Dowry to poor and helpless girls, Drainage and other rural development schemes like Model Villages particularly to the people of remote areas living in small villages.
To coordinate Government Programs as well as support NGO’s CBO’s and public groups in keeping the environment free from pollution by encouraging tree plantation and other measures.
To set up free schools for deserving children believing in that education is right of all and power it self.
To setup free hospitals with latest equipments and facilities.
To provide free monetary assistance to the poor, orphans, widows and persons in distress.
To establish free training institutions for imparting vocational and technical training to the youth.
To provide free legal assistance to resolve family issues and exploitation.